Understand Data Quality Services in MSBI ?

In this article we will thoroughly discuss about (DQS) DATA QUALITY SERVICES in MSBI(SSIS, SSAS and SSRS) we have to tried to keep this article as simple as possible to deliver the most of out it to the reader.

So without wasting time here and there, we will come to straight point and directly start with our article agenda around (DQS) DATA QUALITY SERVICES in MSBI

As MSBI(SSIS, SSAS and SSRS) is all about data & data only so complete cycle under it of converting data through SSIS, processing through SSAS and SSRS via reports making them into useful information for business purpose. As we have understood that data is the source and MSBI works on data through skilled developers. Now have a look at the data it comes from outside and mostly coming from common end users so there are high chances of bad data coming in which will lead to increase work of MSBI developer to transform it into good data so in short end user is responsible to provide good data or bad data.

Our topic hero, "DQS" which is a service which will help common end user as well as MSBI developer to make their raw data into a good data.

Before moving with DQS service we would also like to bring in notice that the end user resolve maximum amount of bad data issue just before it goes into ETL process(SSIS).

To understand and make clearer of an idea how that can be done let us consider below example where data has been randomly entered into the sheet where synonyms are different for each case like

Cello Gripper, Lexi and Pen are -> pen so they should be clubbed together

Nataraj, Staedler and Pencil -> pencil

kores and rubber -> rubber

So if the end use recognizes the Stationary or the particulars and put as one entity there are chances to reduce bad data content. Below image depicts the same:-

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